What Makes a Modern Workplace Tick?

If you’ve ever been working in an office where the “internet” goes down, you quickly realize how much you depend on the web connectivity. Just like when the power goes out at home and you keep flicking light switches to no avail. You cannot control weather events that bring down outside infrastructure. But what can be controlled are the internal components within your working world. The IT infrastructure.

Technology in the Workplace

For many workers, the use of technology has expanded significantly in the office environment in recent years. We’ve moved from the age of rudimentary desktop computing to holding supercomputers in the palm of our hands. The days of screechy fax lines are all but gone and now, in our modern workplace, we have:

·         A mix of wired and wireless networks

·         Complex Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems

·         Cloud networks

·         Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions

·         The ability to access and share work 24/7 from anywhere around the world.

The reality is that most office workers still experience significant downtime due to an “IT problem”. If you are lucky, you have an experienced technical resource on staff who can handle the problems as they arise. However, many businesses, particularly small or mid-sized, do not have an IT department. They rely on an outsourced model or seek help only when things break down. Communication is the lifeblood of any organization, and when you cannot communicate with customers and suppliers over the phone or via email things grind to a halt.

A business man getting frustrated with his tech device at work.

Do you know what type of cable your network is running on? When was the last time your phone system was evaluated or upgraded? If you are relying on a 15 year old phone system made by a company that is no longer in business, do you have a plan for when that system eventually fails? If you rely on office wifi, either for your own business or to service clients, do you know how old your access points (APs) are? And is your business vulnerable due to security weaknesses in your networks?

These are just some of the areas where Cabco can help you avoid downtime and ultimately lost business. Often customers only consider upgrading their infrastructure when they are moving, renovating or building a new office - and this is certainly logical. But it is also worthwhile to begin planning for upgrades as technology advances and your hardware reaches a certain age.

We would recommend looking at your phone, wifi and security set-up every 5 years. And it is definitely time to call in a provider like Cabco in instances such as when your door access systems begins requiring multiple swipes, your phone system starts dropping calls, Wifi randomly disconnects, or your security camera system starts glitching.

Taking care of the connectivity in your office is of paramount importance. With the proper infrastructure in place, you know that, day in and day out, office staff will be able to do their jobs, your customers can contact you, and the designated “IT person” can sleep at night.